Tribute to Mike - the "Microwave cavity King"

Created by Neil one year ago

Mike was a fantastic machinist.  When we were trying to get our diamond maser to work we figured out that the only reason that folk had failed to make it work for the last 50 years was because their microwave cavities were rubbish.  Mike to the rescue!  We gave him a difficult job machining a special type of copper with all sorts of microwave connectors and adjustable tuning plates and he absolutely nailed it.  Result - the world's first ever diamond maser working at room temperature.  

Mike was brilliant at his job and he was also brilliant at suggesting improvements - he was also so patient whenever we suggested the impossible he would always say - "Tell you what why don't we try this"  which obviously worked.  We will miss him hugely as a great colleague, skilled at his job and with a really great sense of humour - see photo.
